The ADRION 5 SENSES PLUS project has been approved under Interreg ADRION 2014-2020.
ADRION 5 SENSES aims to raise awareness of the ADRION 5 SENSES Project results, to update and fully exploit its outcomes.
The ADRION 5 SENSES Project was focused on the ADRION area, studied in-depth the area’s high potential for further development of sustainable tourism, and successfully addressed the common territorial challenge which is the lack of a sustainable tourism model based on innovative, high-quality tourism products and services. In the last couple of years, our reality has changed completely, the Covid-19 pandemic has challenged the tourism model of the ADRION area, raised questions around the health and safety in tourism and has made the whole world rethink travelling and the sustainability of the tourism sector.
The ADRION 5 SENSES PLUS comes in a time of need and aims to offer the opportunity to the ADRION 5 SENSES Partnership to:
a) revise and update their ADRION 5 SENSES Joint Strategy and Action plan in order to address the new challenges that arise from Covid-19 and
b) draw a long-term direction regarding sustainable tourism and destination management for the ADRION area which will be adopted by the ADRION 5 SENSES Transnational Network:
The ADRION 5 SENSES Transnational Network is committed to continuing the collaboration and work towards creating a sustainable tourism model for the ADRION area and the ADRION 5 SENSES PLUS will further support their work towards the long-term sustainability of the Project results and the creation of a more sustainable and resilient tourism sector. Last but not least, the ADRION 5 SENSES PLUS offers the chance to the Partners and Stakeholders involved to further promote the ADRION 5 SENSES Outputs (i.e., Map of Sensations, Multilingual Web Platform and Exhibition Centres) and to raise awareness of the integrated approach- sensory marketing – which is new and innovative for the ADRION area.
The aim of the ADRION 5 SENSES PLUS is to build and promote the ADRION brand name in tourism by indulging all five senses of tourists and by inspiring more stakeholders to join the ADRION 5 SENSES Transnational Network. The vision of the ADRION 5 SENSES PLUS Partnership is to use the available ‘tools’ created by the ADRION 5 SENSES Project, re-start tourism in the ADRION area and enable people to travel, meet, ‘feel’ -get an authentic experience of the area – the ADRION destinations with safety.
Project Partnership:
- Region of Epirus (Greece) – Lead Partner
- Development Agency of Evia SA (Greece)
- RDA of Northern Primorska Ltd. Nova Gorica (Slovenia)
- SIPRO Development Agency – Ferrara (Italy)
Implementation Period: 01/01/2022 – 31/08/2022
Total budget: 176.070,00€
EU Contribution (ERDF): 149.659,50€